
Project Reference

Control Cracks with Contraction Joints

The Challenge

A new terrace shoplots project has completed recently. To avoid from random cracks along the slabs, control joint should be formed as soon as possible. To control concrete from cracking randomly, client has appointed Sonicon to place contraction joints along the shoplots slabs. Contraction joints can be formed by saw cutting method.

Our Approach & Result

We used Diamond Joint Cutting machine to cut approximately of 25mm depth x 3mm width. Our goal is to control where the possibility cracks are by forming linear cuts of control joints. On top of that, this method was chosen because it is far more productive than hand tooling joints. Sonicon experienced operators are able to cut in a straight line for both functional and aesthetics purposes. Understand that the longer you wait to cut the joints, the greater the potential for cracking. In total Sonicon has completed 8000 meter runs of control joints for this project.

Professional Advice
